A Message from our CEO…
We are facing an unprecedented time in our generation’s history - at this point in time we all need to come together and support our community in whatever way we can. Unfortunately, one of the frontline industries that has been hit drastically by COVID-19 is the hospitality industry with many of our favourite cafes and restaurants struggling to survive through this crisis.
In order to support our merchants, we at Hey You have launched the ability for our customers to gift a virtual coffee or lunch item to their favourite cafe/restaurant. This allows a customer to gift an amount equivalent to a regular coffee or lunch item at their local merchant without expecting to receive any item in return. The idea is to help out the hospitality industry with cashflow in these tough times.
Also given the struggling cashflow of our merchants, we have also decided to forego all of our commissions for the next 4 weeks for any new business generated by our merchant partners.