We’re updating your Merchant dashboard

You might’ve noticed your Merchant Dashboard just got a makeover! For the past year, the Hey You team has been listening to your feedback and designing solutions to enhance the way you use Hey You in your restaurant.

We are very excited about the new features and updates scheduled to be launched in the following months, and on this page you’ll get a taste of what to expect.

Here’s what’s to come…

Manage complex menus with ease.

No matter the menu complexity, we have you covered. Our updated Menu Editor is a lot more intuitive and easier to use. Now you can swiftly edit and sort categories and products on the fly. If you want to display your menu during a specific time or day, try using our Scheduling feature. If anything on your menu runs out of stock, it only takes a few seconds to hide/unhide and publish your changes immediately to the Hey You app.


Adjust venue details on the fly.

Customise how your restaurant looks on the Hey You app by uploading your own logo and banner image. You can also update your opening and closing hours, edit the name of your restaurant, pin point your venues address and add your venues phone number for customers to contact you on. There’s also a new way hide and unhide your venue from the app incase you need to suddenly go offline.


View your Statements, all in one place.

There’s no need to sort through your email inbox anymore to find past statements from Hey You – They’re all in one place now! Keeping track of your earnings and monitoring your success with Hey You just got a whole lot easier. You’ve now got the option to view your Hey You statements from the beginning of time, download them as PDFs and/or Excel sheets and even print them as you go.

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Tools to use Hey You like a pro!

If you ever find yourself scratching your head wondering how to use Hey You, just head over to your Resources page and check out our recommended links to various tools and services. You can watch our video tutorials, set up promotions or loyalty schemes, request for Hey You signage or even download digital Hey You signage.


Update your account instantly.

You're never more than a tap away from your account settings. You can update your personal contact information, change your password at any time and set up your billing information instantly so you know exactly where your earnings are being deposited. For our Hey You Support Team to quickly identify and serve you, we’ve assigned a unique ID number to your account – just have it ready when you contact them and they’ll be able to jump straight into action.


Send us your feedback!

We’re always looking to hear from our community of Hey You merchants – If you have any questions, feedback or suggestions, please write it in the comment box below and we’ll send it directly to the Hey You team :)